Global Reporting Initiative

Global Reporting Initiative
GRI An international body dedicated to the promotion of *corporate social responsibility. The GRI is headquartered in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, and its Web site describes it as a "multi-stakeholder process and independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable *Sustainability Reporting Guidelines." The GRI was established in 1997 by the * Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), but it became an independent organization in 2002. Its activities include the development of environmental and social performance indicators and reporting methodologies, and it works in collaboration with the environmental programs of the United Nations. Web site:

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  • Global reporting initiative — Pour les articles homonymes, voir GRI. Le Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) a été établi vers la fin 1997 avec comme mission de développer les directives applicables mondialement ainsi que de rendre compte des performances économiques,… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Global Reporting Initiative — Pour les articles homonymes, voir GRI. Le Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) a été établi vers la fin 1997 avec comme mission de développer les directives applicables mondialement en matière de développement durable, ainsi que de rendre compte des …   Wikipédia en Français

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